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Did you know that you have several kinds of conservatorships you may be eligible for? Some include probate conservatorships, which include general and limited conservatorships. The differences make these conservatorships better for certain people, so it’s important to discuss your situation with people who understand the law before you decide which one will work for you.

A probate conservatorship that is general is for adults who can no longer care for themselves or their finances. Typically, this is used for the elderly, but it could be used for young people who have become disabled.

A limited conservatorship is the other kind of probate conservatorship. This is for adults with developmental disabilities. In this situation, the conservatee doesn’t need as much help, so the conservatorship is limited to only the areas needed. This might apply in situations after someone suffers a stroke or brain injury as well.

Another kind of conservatorship that can be considered is a Lantermam-Petris-Short conservatorship. This kind of conservatorship is only used for adults with serious mental health conditions. These individuals need special care, as well. Conservatees in these conservatorships may be under extremely restrictive living arrangements or be undergoing extensive mental health treatments.

Although there are many kinds of conservatorships available, not all of them will fit your situation. Speaking with someone familiar with conservatorships and how you can get the best one for your loved one’s needs can be a major help. As you plan your own estate or will, you may want to discuss what will happen if you needed a conservator as well, so you know what will happen if you ever fall ill due to old age or injury.

Source: California Courts, “Conservatorship” Dec. 20, 2014